Bob Designated Driver

The terms designated driver and designated driving refers to the selection of a person who remains sober as the responsible driver of a vehicle whilst others have.

bob designated driver

Designated Wine Driver is the result of Bob s love for the Central Coast s wine industry. Arriving in Paso Robles. Bob moved to Paso Robles in 2003 with the.

Bob is the popular Dutch abbreviation for Designated Driver. The drivers of the BOBcompany will drive you home safely in your own car.

The Who s Your Sober Bob. campaign encourages Territorians to not drink and drive and use a designated sober driver to get home when they have been drinking.

Designated Wine Driver Your driver is knowledgeable and familiar with the Central Coast area. No drinking and driving issues when you have a designated driver.

bob designated driver Bob campaign

The Bob campaign aims to raise awareness of the dangers of drink-driving; drivers with high blood alcohol content are at increased risk of car accidents, highway injuries and vehicular deaths. Alongside the general information that is offered during the campaign, there is an increased police surveillance, especially during the weeks running up to Christmas and New Year s Eve. Most of all, the campaign focuses on a designated driver approach.

The Bob campaign originated in Belgium, in 1995, and the concept has been picked up in the Netherlands, France but with Sam, In France in 2006, Germany in 2007 and also Luxembourg, with every country adapting the formula to their audience.

Some media have spread the rumor that the acronym is derived from the Dutch phrase Bewust Onbeschonken Bestuurder which translates to Consciously Non-Drunk Driver or deliberately sober driver. Many people have since believed that this is true, but Bob is just a name chosen by the Belgian government. 1


1 History

2 See also

3 External links

4 References

History edit

The Bob campaign originated in Belgium, in 1995, in a collaboration between several governmental departments, the police and the Belgian beer brewing industry.

The campaign appeared to be successful right from the start. In just a few weeks time, 4 out of 5 Belgians had heard about Bob. Now, 97 of the Belgian population knows about the campaign, with Bob becoming the symbol against drinking and driving.

To date, more than 37 of all drivers in Belgium claim to have offered to be a designated driver. 34 have actually been a designated driver and 46 have been driven home safely by their Bob.

According to official figures, the Bob campaign has triggered a change in mentality. Nowadays 80 of the population considers drinking and driving to be unacceptable.

See also edit

alcohol advertising campaigns

drunk driving USA

Driving under the influence

designated driver

External links edit

References edit

Verkeersveiligheid Nederland

Retrieved from Bob_campaign oldid 638938143

Categories: Driving under the influence.

The Bob campaign aims to raise awareness of the dangers of drink the campaign focuses on a designated driver approach. The Bob campaign originated in Belgium.

bob designated driver